Welcome .... The parishoners of the "St. Mary" and "Our Lady of Hope" Catholic Faith Community, would like you to take this opportunity to explore us on-line.
Weekend Masses continue throughout summer.
Saturday 5PM- St. Mary, Beausejour
Sunday 9AM- St. Mary, Beausejour
Sunday 11AM- Our Lady of Hope, Anola
Sunday Masses are at 9:00am at St Mary In Beausejour and at 11:00am at Our Lady of Hope in Anola
Saturday evening Mass at 5:00 pm at St Mary
Daily Masses on hold until August
Please read the bulletins on this website for more information.
If you are in immediate need of a priest, call Fr Luke 204-340-3734
For other inquiries, call the parish office at 204-268-2453 or send an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Leave a message and someone will get back to you.
If you are interested in registering your child(ren) for weekly Catechism and/or Sacraments of First Communion, Reconciliation or Confession in 2024-2025 at St. Mary Parish, please fill out the form using the following link below OR use the paper forms available at the entrance of the church.
Your timely registration helps us plan our program year and Sacrament preparations.
Home Visits to the Sick and Shut in:
St.Mary Parish has Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion available to deliver communion to shut-in parishioners.
If you would like to receive this service for yourself or a family member please contact Maria Obodzinski at 204-268-9337